ASAP Veggie Potluck Dinner

Part of the group in attendance- about 20 students were able to join for the dinner.

by Mara Midiere

On the evening of the 13th of February, ASAP hosted a veggie potluck dinner in the foyer of the ICIS faculty building for the SSP master students. The concept of a potluck is that everyone brings a small portion of food (appetizers, main dishes, and desserts) to share with everyone else.

A “full spread” of yummy food! And reusable plates and utensils kindly provided by ICIS.

The focus for this potluck was to have everything be vegetarian, with encouragement to make dishes vegan and with local, organic ingredients when possible. The results were spectacular- people brought a wide range of dishes (mostly vegan!), and showed off some amazing culinary talents. Foods ranged from curries and soups to crumbles and cakes.

It was wonderful to see the creativity and cooking styles that each person showed in their dish that they brought. Having such a diverse group of students within the master’s program, students were able to share food experiences from their home countries, or from recipes that they learned from other travel experiences and international friends. It was a lovely community event, and one that we hope to host again before we all go our separate ways for thesis research!

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